Brand value: do not miss out on sales

Valor de Marca

When are many companies or marketers talking about brand value right now? What do they really mean? What is this brand worth talking about?

In today’s article, we will delve deeper into this issue and understand how this “intangible” concept is responsible for the financial health of your company.

Keep reading to know one more about brand value to give an up on your business. Come on!

How brand value represents a feature for your business

A company can count on several means of generating income. Your list of resources relies on your workforce, production equipment, products for sale and many others. But none of these features can be as valuable as your brand, which is fundamental in such a competitive market.

An example of how brand value helps any company overcome its difficulties can be seen in Apple’s case, for example:

The company founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak went through complicated periods in the late 1990s. But in 2001, the company launched one of the products that would change the history of technology on the planet and would help dictate not just a segment of the market but the To signal consumer behavior, impacting on all sales areas.

In October 2001, less than a month after the September 11 terrorist attack, Apple organized the iPod launch. A device that allowed the user to hear a thousand songs in his pocket. Since then, the company has innovated several times, with the launch of the iPhone and iPad, among others.

In those 15 years, several companies have launched more powerful smartphones, improved tablets and more advanced music players. How can Apple still be a market leader? Simple: Because of its brand value.

The value of an iPhone or any other Apple device does not just carry its functions. Such a smartphone is not just for making calls or accessing the internet: its value lies in the fact that it is an iPhone. Taking the weight of innovation, design and creativity that make Apple the “Apple” and not any brand.

This is the greatest resource the company will have forever and the weapon that keeps it winning, no matter the difficulties, the country or the world go through.

Building your company’s brand value

Now you must be wondering: how to build such a powerful brand value? How to reach this level?

The answer to this question begins with another question. If your company ceased to exist, would anyone miss it? If the answer is no, then it’s time to rethink the value of your brand.

The basic idea of building a brand value is not to “change the logo,” “change some colors,” or “change the style.” These are design solutions. The brand is much more than that. It’s the way people see your business and give it value. Design solutions, as well as sponsorships, social marketing, advertising and the like, are just tools to shape the image of your brand.

In short, to build the brand value your business needs, you need to go beyond communication. It is necessary that your consumers come to see you as something relevant to their lives, something valuable as the diamond. For only a strong brand is able to stand and continue to sell in difficult times.

What’s up? Can you remember some example of a product or service that you have bought exclusively because it is from a brand that you identify with? Tell us.

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