Are you sure you know what Design is?

Are you a business owner and want to know how graphic design can help your brand? We have prepared a new post that we believe is essential to understanding its role to building a brand, which might just make a difference for your business.
After all, what is design?
Design is a concept used in many different activities that vary from architecture (Environments Design), all the way to industrial design (product design) and even something purely visual (graphic design). However, what they have in common is the need to make a product with adequate in form, appearance and functionality to its brand.
Your company has a lot to gain from adopting the science behind the philosophy of design as back-up. Through it, it is possible to make the DNA (essence), the values and the strategic directives that show what the brand represents into something that is noticeable to the business proposition, conveying the correct company’s image.
For each objective, a different solution
To create good Design is to explore the different sensations evoked for the receiver of a certain message, in order to sell products that fulfill their basic obligations while offering solutions to basic human needs. There are no examples of businesses that need Design more than others, what we have are different kinds of Design for specific needs.
For example, product design, which has a focus on creating objects like, chairs, tables, bottle openers and everything else in between. It can be found in association with graphic design, which is in charge for developing visual or graphic solutions for packaging. Environment Design on the other hand, can be the answer for retail in terms of designing the internal and external spaces for a shop or store.
Branding and design
Branding and Design go hand in hand, in a way that design becomes an important process for materializing the actions planned by the process of Branding. Lets say your company sells homemade cakes and after extensive research you found out that the brand for your shop has to express to your customers, concepts like having a good diet, nostalgia for a time when they ate at their grandma’s house or even the perception of having a fair price. Through a Branding professional guidance, a designer will be able to create a project that shares the brand essence, the values and feelings associated with it and then be able to highlight its positioning in an effective way be it by creating a brand logo, product packaging or even furniture for the store.
Design is an important part of Branding and a key component to every company that wants to be viewed in a unique way by the market and the consumers. However, design by itself can be shallow if done only for appearances sake. It will lose value e can compromise in a meaningful way the results of the company if not in line with the brand’s directive. It would be like building a beautiful house on a swamp. The role of Branding is to build the foundations and to create strategic value for the brand. Branding is a key work for managers that want to maximize the success of their businesses.
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