6 fatal errors in the preparation of the strategic plan

Let’s take into account the internal and external conditions of your company. Where do you want to go? Well let’s make a strategic planning to formulate the goals and go in search of the positive results that will impact your business, society and directly the lives of several people.
Okay, lots of details. Have you realized the level of importance that strategic planning has, right? This is why it is best to take precautions and avoid having your work stop at the bottom of the drawer. Follow with us 6 fatal errors that must be eliminated:
Failure to devote sufficient time to goal setting
The beginning of all planning involves the definition of goals. Be careful not to fret and move fast. First, understand the social and economic context of your company, what is the greatest desire to achieve, where the company wants to be and how it will do to get there. It seems too many details to start with, it’s easy. Everything has its time. We are talking about the first step, the one that will guide all planning.
Do not change strategy for a long time
We have just seen that it is necessary to give time to time, but be careful not to get stagnant. Planning needs to adapt, reinforce, and reconsider information. New goals and initiatives must be implemented while the others are completed. Just keep the initial energy flowing and this will motivate everyone involved.
Disregard the communication strategy
There are those who say that good communication is like a strong coffee, it awakens anyone. And since nobody does anything alone it is indispensable that everyone understands what is happening. The only unbeatable way to work as a team is to value the communication strategy, which must always be two-way. When a company devalues the dialogue it is devaluing the strategic plan and helping to spread incorrect or inaccurate information.
Open for ambiguous interpretation
If there is ambiguity in the way of the goals, they will be easily misinterpreted by several people on the team. This results in an execution that loses sight of the target or often does not even know where it is firing. All this can be avoided with clear and direct definitions. A strategic plan may contain elements of both science and art, but when the subject is objective, science must always prevail.
Lack of priorities
The objectives may be diverse, but the priority must be established. What comes first? What is essential? In order not to waste resources, a focus of light is needed on the main ends, in the stars of planning. With determined priorities the results will be more efficient. You can trust!
Do not think GREAT
Good strategic planning should result in ideas that run out of common sense and take your company to a prominent place. Innovation is an inexhaustible fuel for everyone. For this, we must think beyond, we must think great.
Now you can scratch these 6 fatal errors once and for all when designing a strategic plan. Only then will our mission, which is to contribute to its growth, be fulfilled.